日本の英語教育に革命を起こしたい! インスタ英語教師 Rupa sensei(流波先生)

rupasensei0オーストラリア・メルボルンの大学生 Rupa Samantaさん
インスタグラムrupasenseiで毎日英会話動画を配信 https://www.instagram.com/rupasensei/
毎週日曜日にYouTube動画をアップ https://www.youtube.com/c/Rupasensei
オンラインレッスン講師 https://www.rupasensei.com



Rupa sensei:
こーんにちはー! Good afternoon! What’s up! It’s Rupasensei here!

テンションが高い!そしてとてもマッチョですね。You’re looking Jacked!

Rupa sensei:


I watched Dragon Ball as a kid.It was a very motivating show for me as I wanted to become cool and strong like Goku when I grew up.

I have been muscle training since I was 12 years old. But I have been going to the gym more seriously for the last year and a half. Now I go to the gym 5 or 6 times a week and have a lot of protein.
I think it is very important to train both your mind and your body if you want to become the best version of yourself.
Muscle training and going to the gym has definitely helped me have more energy, be more self-disciplined and enjoy life better.

日本語はいつから勉強していますか?How long have you learned Japanese?

Rupa sensei:


水戸市での経験は私の人生で最高の出来事でした。学校で教えるという体験も初めてなのに、たくさんの生徒から「Rupa sensei!」と呼ばれて、英語を教えることの楽しさを知ったので、働いていた学校にとても感謝しています。rupa3

Watching Dragon Ball made me interested in Japanese language and culture so when I entered High School I took Japanese classes.
Japanese was my favourite subject at school and my teachers were very nice.

I moved to Japan after High School when I was 18 and became an ALT English teacher in Mito, Ibaraki.
The school was in Ibaraki, it was very different from my image of Japan. I had only seen Japan on movies and the internet and I thought that every city was like Tokyo.
I was very surprised that a lot of Japan is actually country-side. However, I think it was better for me as I had to speak a lot of Japanese to survive and therefore I improved greatly.

This was definitely the best experience of my life so far and really motivated me to teach English. I am very grateful of the school I worked at!
Actually, working at that school was the first time I was called Rupa sensei haha

水戸市以外の場所は行きましたか?Where is your favorurite place in Japan?

Rupa sensei:


After the school year finished, I moved to Ikebukuro and worked at Dominique Ansel Bakery in Omotesando for 2 months before going back to Australia.
I also travelled a lot around Japan and I would say my favourite place to visit was Kyoto. It was so beautiful and I love the traditional temples, especially Kinkaku Ji and Kiyoumizu Dera!

Did you start the instagram in Austraria?

Rupa sensei:



When I moved back home from Japan, I didn’t have much opportunity to speak Japanese and I could feel my ability to speak Japanese decreasing.
So, I wanted to keep speaking Japanese in a way that Japanese people would find interesting. That’s why I decided to teach English on Instagram because I was already an English teacher for 1 year.

When my following started to increase more and more, my Instagram became less about me speaking Japanese but more about teaching English. That way I could still practice Japanese and my followers could learn interesting English phrases and idioms, two birds one stone right?!

This journey has taught me many things, so I have changed a lot of things about how I manage my time and how to plan out my days, so I can achieve a lot of things every single day. One of the changes that helped me out the most was ‘planning tomorrow today’. So every night I write the things that I must do the next day and this helps me out very much.

個人レッスンは受け付けていますか?Do you accept indivdual lesson?

Rupa sensei:

Team Rupaは「勇敢でありたい」「自信を持ちたい」「英語が話せるようになりたい」人たちの集まりで、自分を最高のバージョンにするというのが目標です。

Yeah, I do lessons about how to have confidence in English. While learning and practicing English conversation, grammar and pronunciation we talk about confidence and inspiring/ motivating people. My lessons are mainly to get people confident in themselves to speak English and have a better life.
Team Rupa is a group of brave and confident people that want to be the best versions of themselves. A team of optimists that want to stand out and grow stronger. A family that helps each other and spreads positivity. Team Rupa is anyone who believes they can!

しゃけ:Team Rupaにメッセージをお願いします。A message to Team Rupa please.

Rupa sensei:



My dream is to make people laugh and learn!
I want to say is to not be afraid to talk to new people! That is the reason I made the ‘Happy Monday’ series, to show people that strangers are not scary. Actually, in Japan I met one of my best friends outside of a convenient store haha

A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.

私もRupa sennseiのことを知ったのはつい数日前ですが、突然のお願いを快く受けてくださりありがとうございました!最後に好きな映画や本や音楽について教えてください。
Thank you very much for answering a lot of qestions.The last thing please tell me about your favorite movies, books and music.

Rupa sensei:

本は「アルケミスト」、音楽はモーツアルトとドレイクの「God’s plan」が好きです。

My favourite movie is “The Pursuit of Happyness”.
Recently, I have been learning a lot about the art of acting and I have come to respect great actors. Will Smith is my favourite since he stars in many of my favourite movies and he also has many of the same values as me such as always wanting to improve yourself every day. He also has a great YouTube channel which I respect.
My favourite book is “The Alchemist”, music is Mozart! and “God’s plan”.

Thanks for reading guys. じゃあ ありがとうー また明日!




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